Olive Sophia Putnam
Introducing Olive
In working through the Brodhead Historical Society archives, I came across a breathtaking journal (more on that later), that appears to been compiled by Olive S. Putnam.
One of ten children, and daughter to James Jacob and Mary Magdalena "Magdalena" Fleek (of another pioneering Brodhead family), Olive ultimately went on to marry Capt. John Fluette Annis, and had three children: Burt, Edith, and Flora.
The Putnam family is a well documented one here in Brodhead, and I am excited to go back tomorrow to find more photos as I believe I cam across some earlier today prior to the journal discovery.
The Putnam family owned an extensive amount of land in Decatur, right next to Brodhead.
The following is John's Obituary:
"John J. Putnam was one of the prominent and well remembered early settlers of this town.
He came to Green county in 1848 and purchased, in the town of Decatur, a tract of 500 acres of land. He located here with his family, in June of the next year. He was born in Hampshire Co., Va., in 1801.
His advantages for education, in early life, were very limited. The death of his father, when he was seventeen years of age, placed upon him, to a great extent, the support of the family.
He was married before leaving Virginia, to Mary M. Fleek, daughter of Adam Fleek. After marriage he removed to Hocking Co., Ohio, and thence to Licking county, engaging in agricultural pursuits. He remained there until he came to Green county.
Mr. Putnam was a man of strong mental powers and of sterling integrity, and although he died comparatively early in the history of Green county, he left a record that is not forgotten. He was a justice of the peace for a number of years, also held the office of chairman of his town.
He accumulated a valuable property, owning at his decease, about 1,400 acres of land. His death occurred June 5, 1856.
His wife survived until February 1874. They had ten children, seven of whom are now living, four sons and three daughters, all residents of this county, except the second son, John J., Jr., who resides in Texas. Two of his sons, Oliver S. and Henry C., are residents of Brodhead."
~ from the History of Green County
Olive's significance here on Lap of Legends
Back to that incredible journal I found in the far back of a filing drawer today ...
... simply put ...
It is magical.There are incredibly relevant news clippings capturing key cultural, art, and political events. All these clippings are pasted into a used business ledger from the 1850's.
Stay tuned, as I will be posting soon, the first of a series called
"Olive's Journal."