1887 | The McNair Block


1887 Brodhead | Sanborn Fire Insurance Map

Exchange Square Businesses

I received a tip when researching at the Brodhead Historical Society that Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps can help unlock mysteries of Brodhead's 19th century downtown businesses.

This 1887 map is the first I have been able to help connect The McNair Block and National Hall (owned by M. M. McNair and Kurtz). National Hall is where the Brodhead Roller Skating Association had great success with the skating rink, and is located on the south side of the McNair Block.

Below are a Sanborn map detail, historic photo of the block, and high resolution Sanborn map of Brodhead.

1887 Brodhead | The McNair Block 

1887 Brodhead | The McNair Block 

High Resolution | 1887 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map